


For the duration of your library use, you can deposit your bags and jackets in our lockers free of charge.

You can borrow the key at the service desk upon presentation of your library card.

Please note:

- The lockers must be emptied daily. All lockers that are still locked after the end of opening hours will be cleared. The remaining contents will be treated as lost property and forwarded to the facility management.

- The library assumes no liability for items stored in the lockers.

- If the locker key is lost, it must be replaced.

Fees will be charged for this in accordance with the current version of the "Gebührensatzung".

Contact persons

If you have any questions, please contact the library team at the service desk:

Tel: +49 (0) 40 42827-5675
E-mail: ausleihe(at)hcu-hamburg.de


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