

Publikationen | Publications

Tóth, E. and Poplin, A. 2014. <link file:7135 partici pecs agile2014>ParticiPécs - a cooperative game fostering learning about the built environment and urban planning, 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science (AGILE 2014), Workshop Geogames and Geoplay, Castellón, Spain.

Vemuri, K., Poplin, A. and Monachesi, P. 2014. YouPlaceIt!: a Serious Digital Game for Achieving Consensus in Urban Planning, 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science (AGILE 2014), Workshop Geogames and Geoplay, Castellón, Spain.

Reinart, B. and Poplin, A. 2014. <link file:7242 reinart poplin paper games in urban>Games in urban planning - a comparative study, in the proceedings of Real CORP 2014, International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society (CORP 2014), Vienna, Austria.

Tóth, E. and Poplin, A. 2013. Cooperative Learning Games - a Successful Tool for Promoting Children?s Participation in Urban Planning?, in the prodeedings of: FROG 2013 conference, Vienna, Austria.

A. Poplin, Furtado Rocha, M. C. and G. Corso. 2013 (in press). The Participatory Cube – a Framework for Analysis of Online Participation Platforms, book chapter in the CUPUM 2013 book Planning Support Systems for Sustainable Urban Development, Springer Verlag.

Tóth, E. and A. Poplin. 2013. Pop-up Pest: An Educational Game for Active Participation of Children in Urban Planning, in the proceedings of: Real CORP 2013, May 20-23, Rom, Italy.

Poplin, A. and T. Haertling. 2013 (accepted). Rational Ignorance in Civic Engagement: a Study Case from 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, in the proceedings of: Joint AESOP/ACSP Congress, Dublin, July 15 - 19.

Haertling, T. and A. Poplin. 2013 (accepted). 3D Visualization of Skyscrapers: a Study of Citizen’s Responses in 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, in the proceedings of: Joint AESOP/ACSP Congress, Dublin, July 15 - 19.

Poplin, A
. 2012 (in press). Web-based PPGIS for Wilhelmsburg, Germany: an Integration of Interactive GIS-based Maps with an Online Questionnaire, Special Issue of the Journal of Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA), Vol. 25, No. 2, 71-84.

Poplin, A. 2012. Playful public participation in urban planning: A case study for online serious games, Journal: Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Elsevier, Volume 36, Issue 3, May 2012, Pages 195-206. Online: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0198971511001116.

Corso, G., Furtado Rocha, M. C. and A. Poplin. 2012. e-Participation: The Role of Social Media for a New Public Space, The International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, Session: Cities, Technologies and Planning, June 18-21, Salvador, Brazil.

Kulus, D., Poplin, A. and R. Patwardhan. 2012. Aufbau einer partizipativen Planungscommunity am Beispiel von Nexthamburg, CORP 2012: Re-mixing the City, Towards Sustainability and Resilience?, May 14-16, Schwechat, Austria.

Poplin, A. 2011. Comparative Study of Different Methodologies Used for Quantifying Transaction Costs, in the proceedings of the 17th European Colloquium on Quantitative and Theoretical Geography (ECQTG 2011), September 2nd-5th, Athens, Greece.

Poplin, A. 2011. Games and Serious Games in Urban Planning: Study Cases, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer LNCS, ICCSA 2011 proceedings, presented at: Cities, Technologies and Planning 2011 (CTP 2011), June 20th-23rd, Santander, Spain.

Fessele, M. and A. Poplin. 2011. Quality of information collected with the help of online map-based questionnaires, in the proceedings of REAL CORP 2011, 16th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society GeoMultimedia 2011, 18-20 May 2011, Essen, Germany.

Poplin, A.
2010. Methodology for Measuring the Demand Geoinformation Transaction Costs: Based on Experiments in Berlin, Vienna and Zurich, The Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, Vol. 5, 168-193.

Poplin, A. 2010. How Much does Free Geoinformaiton cost?, in the proceedings of the GeoValue 2010 Workshop, Sept. 30 – Oct. 2, 2010, 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Germany.

van Loenen, B., Crompvoets, J. and A. Poplin. 2010. Assessing geoportals from a user perspective, in the proceedings of the GeoValue 2010 Workshop, Sept. 30 – Oct. 2, 2010, 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Germany.

Fessele, M. and A. Poplin. 2010. Statistical analysis of routing processes using OpenStreet Map road data of the inner city of 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网 with different completeness of information about one-way streets, in the proceedings of the GeoValue 2010 Workshop, Sept. 30 – Oct. 2, 2010, 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Germany.

Weninger, B., Krek Poplin, A. and J. Petrin. 2010. Developing a Typology of Public Participation 2.0 Users: An Example of Nexthamburg.de. In: Schrenk, M., Popovich, V., Engelke, D. and P. Elisei (eds.), REAL CORP 2010 Proceedings, Vienna, 18-20 May 2010.

Poplin, A., Craglia, M. and S. Roche (Eds.). 2010. 2nd Workshop on Value of Information GeoValue 2010, Sept 30- Oct. 2, 2010, HafenCity University 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Germany.

Krek, A., Rumor, M., S. Zlatanova, E. Fendel (Eds.). 2009. Urban Data Management Symposium, Taylor and Francis, London, UK.

Evelpidou, N., Krek, A. and A. Vassilopoulos. 2009. Formalisation of a GIS-Based Methodology for Landscape Change Analysis: Example of Erosion on Naxos Island, Aegean Sea, Greece in the book: Orejas, A., Mattingly, D, and M. Clavel-Lévêque (eds.), From present to past through landscape, Madrid CSIC-COST Press.

Krek, A. 2009. Quantifying Transaction Costs of Geoinformation: Experiments in National Information Structures in Sweden and Germany, in the book of the 27th Urban Data Management Symposium, Taylor & Francis, June 24-26, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Angelaccio, M., Krek, A. and A. D’Ambrogio. 2009. A Model-driven Approach for Designing Adaptive Web GIS Interfaces, in the proceedings of the International Workshop on Information Fusion and Geographical Information Systems (IF&GIS-09), May 17-20, 2009, St. Petersburg.

Krek, A. 2009. Measuring Transaction Costs in Spatial Data Infrastructures: Examples of Sweden and Germany, GEOWS ?09, The International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems & Web Services, February 1-7, 2009, Cancun, Mexico.

Bender, O., Evelpidou, N., Krek, A. and P. A. Vassilopoulos (Eds.). 2008. Geoinformation Technologies for Geo-Cultural Landscape Analysis: European Perspectives, Taylor and Francis, London, UK.

Krek, A. and N. Evelpidou. 2008. The role of geoinformation technologies in geocultural landscape research, book chapter in: Geoinformation Technologies for Geo-Cultural Landscape Analysis: European Perspectives, Taylor and Francis, London, UK. Editors: Bender, O., Evelpidou, N., Krek, A. and P. A. Vassilopoulos.

Schiewe, J., Krek, A. Peters, I., Sternberg, H. and Traub, K. 2008. Developing and evaluating tools for urban research, in: Digital Earth Summit on Geoinformatics: Tools for Global Change Research, Potsdam, November 12-14, 2008, www.isde-summit-2008.org.

Krek, A. 2008. Games in Urban Planning: The Power of a Playful Public Participation, in: Mobility Nodes as Innovation Hubs. Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society / Manfred Schenk, u.a. (Hrsg). - Schwechat-Rannersdorf, 2008, S. 683-69, ISBN: 978-39502139-5-9.

Wagner, A., Kulus, D. and A. Krek. 2008. Online gestützte Beteiligungsangebote in formellen Planungsprozessen am Beispiel des deutschen Bauleitplanverfahrens, in: Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society / Manfred Schenk, u.a. (Hrsg). - Schwechat-Rannersdorf, 2008, S. 349-358, ISBN: 978-39502139-5-9.

Krek, A. and N. Evelpidou. 2008. Geoinformation Technology Used for Analysis of the Landscape Evolution during Historical Times. In proceedings: Historical GIS Conference, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, UK, 21-22. August 2008.

Krek, A. 2008. Geoinformation Technologies in Landscape Evolution. In proceedings of the 13th Belgium-France-Italy-Romania geomorphological meeting, Landscape Evolution & Geoarcheology, June 18-21, Porto Heli, Greece.

Ruch, C., Stadler H., Skritek, P. and A. Krek. 2007. A real time flood impact mitigation system for urban areas, in the proceedings of the 26th Urban Data Management Symposium (UDMS `07), October 10 - 12, 2007, Stuttgart, Germany; proceedings / Urban Data Management Society.

Krek, A., Manti, F. and M. Mecella. 2007. Dynamic peer-to-peer GIServices supporting mobile emergency management teams, in the proceedings of the 26th Urban Data Management Symposium (UDMS '07), October 10 - 12, 2007, Stuttgart, Germany; proceedings of Urban Data Management Society.

De Leoni, M. De Rosa, F. Marrella, A., Mecella, M. Poggi, A., Krek, A. and F. Manti. 2007. Emergency Management: from User Requirements to a Flexible P2P Architecture, in: ISCRAM 2007 proceedings: Intelligent Human Computer Systems for Crisis Response and Management , May 13 -16, 2007, Delft, Netherlands, ISCRAM Community, 2007, S. 271-279

Poplin, A. 2010. Public Participation 2.0 (in Europe): Visions and Study Cases, International Colloquium on Democracy & Digital Interfaces for Public Participation, organized by Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), September 2-3, 2010, Salvador, Bahia, Brasil.

Krek, A. 2008. Value and quality of Geoinformation: an agent-based model, presented at the European Science Foundation EUROCORES Workshop entitled Visualisation and Space-Time Representation of Dynamic, Non-linear, Spatial Data in DynCoopNet and other TECT Projects, 25-26. September 2008, Madrid, Spain. All presentations are available at: http://mapas.topografia.upm.es/Dyncoopnet/index.html.

Krek, A. 2008. Geoinformation science and systems in landscape studies, a presentation and the workshop working group leader at the working meeting in the frame of the COST-ESF synergy regarding landscape studies, organized within the ESF-COST Interdisciplinary Science Initiative “A European Network of Networks: New Perspectives on Landscapes”, June 11-13, 2008, Madrid.

Krek, A. 2008. Value and quality of Geoinformation: an agent-based model, presented at the European Science Foundation EUROCORES Workshop entitled Visualisation and Space-Time Representation of Dynamic, Non-linear, Spatial Data in DynCoopNet and other TECT Projects, September 25-26 2008, Madrid, Spain. All presentations are available at: http://mapas.topografia.upm.es/Dyncoopnet/index.html.

Krek, A. 2008. Geoinformation science and systems in landscape studies, a presentation and the workshop working group leader at the working meeting in the frame of the COST-ESF synergy regarding landscape studies, organized within the ESF-COST Interdisciplinary Science Initiative “A European Network of Networks: New Perspectives on Landscapes”, June 11-13, 2008, Madrid.

Krek, A. 2008. GIS in der Planung: ePartizipation/Bürgerbeteiligung, 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网er Forum for Geomatics, June 24-25 2008, 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Germany.

Krek, A. 2007. LANDMARKS: Understanding Pre-industrial Structures in Rural and Mining Landscapes, Invited presentation at the workshop entitled "A Place in Europe: Historical GIS and New Perspectives on European and World History", organized by the European Science Foundation (ESF), in the context of the EUROCORES Programme "Inventing Europe", November 30th – December 2nd 2007, Barcelona, Spain.

Krek, A. 2007. Geoinformation Technology for Cultural Landscape Analysis, Invited lecture at the Interdisciplinary Training School entitled "Science and Technology for the Cultural Heritage", Facolta' di Lettere e Filosofia, Genova 10-15 September 10-15.

Steinmann, R. and A. Krek. 2006. Einbezug von r?umlichen Aspekten bei der Nutzung von Social Software, ?Social Skills“ durch ?Social Software“, international conference, St. Virgil Salzburg, Austria, May 23-24 2006.

Krek, A. 2005. Geographic Information as an Economic Good. Invited lecturer and speaker, UNIGIS update conference, distance learning program at the Univesity of Salzburg.

Krek, A. 2005. “How can online map-based applications support public participation?” Invited speaker at the Metainformatics Symposium 2005 (MIS ?05).

Fessele, M. 2010.?Entwicklung eines Fu?g?ngernavigationssystems auf Basis des MTiG. Master Thesis in Geomatics, HafenCity University 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Germany.

Kulus, D. 2009.?http://www.kfunigraz.ac.at/Die Ermittlung des st?dtischen W?rmebedarfs mit Hilfe der Strukturtypenmethode:analytische Betrachtung zur Stadtstrukturtypenmethode. Diploma Thesis in Urban Planning, HafenCity University 澳门现金网_澳门赌博现金网-官网, Germany.

Weninger, B. 2007. Deconstructing the Map - A Critical Cartography. Diploma Theses, Institute for Geography,?Karl-Franzens University Graz, Austria.

Fessele, M. 2007. Untersuchung und Kalibrierung der Elektronischen Druckschlauchwaage von Gl?tzl für die Anwendung bei statischen ?berwachungen und dynamischen Prozessen. Diploma Thesis, Surveying and Geoinformatics, Hochschule Karlsruhe Technik und Wirtschaft (HsKA), Gemany.

Krek, A. 2002. An Agent-Based Model for Quantifying the Economic Value of Geographic Information. PhD thesis, Institute for Geoinformation, Technical University Vienna.

Krek, A. 1992. Public participation in the development of a physical plan; on the case of Zgornji Leskovec. Master thesis, Department of Geodesy, University Ljubljana, Slovenia, in Slovene language.